Slide Diver #1

Slide Diver #1


Out of stock

Slide Diver #1

SKU: slidediver Category: Tag:


Slide Diver #1

As an angler, you will love the Slide Diver #1. Set it on the main line well in front of the lure you want the fish to bite. When the fish hits, the Slide Diver slides down the main line to a “stop” (usually a bead in front of a swivel), which keeps the Slide Diver from sliding all the way to the bait. This means you can:

Boat more of the fish you hook

  • Short leader length makes netting easy
  • Fish don’t fight the diver, which slides when they run
  • Use shorter, easy-to-stow rods if you so desire

Run more lines at once

  • Set the Slide Diver to run left or right
  • Set to run high or low in the water column

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