Yeti Hopper Flip Cooler

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Yeti Hopper Flip Cooler


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Yeti Hopper Flip Cooler

Say hello to the leakproof, tough-as-nails, carry-the-day soft cooler. Around here, we call it the Yeti Hopper Flip Cooler. Like the original Hopper™, the Hopper Flip 12 can withstand serious abuse in the field, even with everyday use. Its wide-mouth opening makes for easy loading and access to your food as well as drinks. Additionally, its compact, cubed body allows for ultimate portability, never slowing you down. It’s the only personal cooler that’s game for full days in the tree stand. Or early mornings in the duck boat. Or afternoons on the water!


  • 8: Outside 8” × 10 1/2” × 11 1/2”, Inside 6 1/4” × 7 1/2” × 9 3/4” , Weight 2.8lbs empty, Holds 8 cans using a 2:1 ice to can ratio or 8lbs of ice (only)
  • 12: Outside 11 1/2″ x 12 5/8″, Inside 8” × 9” × 11” Weight 3.1lbs empty, Holds 13 cans using a 2:1 ice to can ratio or 15lbs of ice (only)
  • 18: Outside 8 1/2” × 10 1/4” × 14 1/4” Inside 10 1/4” × 12 5/8” × 15 5/8”, Holds 20 cans using a 2:1 ice to can ratio or 24lbs of ice (only)

Lastly, check out more Coolers here.